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Farmchain Finance Co-op is a registered Hybrid Multipurpose cooperative society that combines Blockchain technology and the traditional commercial businesses to create financial and economic empowerment of it's members. It is registered as Farmchain Finance Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society Ltd.
Fractionalized and Tokenized Lands and Real Banking, Tokenized Agribusiness in Commercial Crops and Livestocks, Food banking, Commodities trading, Retail trade and general merchandise.
Everyone. We have flexible plans for students, individual, family and businesses. But only registered and verified members can benefit from the cooperative investment interest.
Go to https://coop.farmchain.finance/Register/ to signup. After confirming your email address, follow the pop-up instruction on your dashboard to verify your membership.
* Free 2 square meters from the cooperative land banking scheme.
* Certificate of membership.
* 10 Units of the cooperative share capital with share certificate.
* 1000 Fifi Farmchain Finance tokens (only within the limited time).
* Profit sharing rights based on share capital.
* The exclusive right to participate in sustainable investment model of owning physical assets cooperative businesses.
It is a practice of buying land by paying it in installments over a period of time and as agreed and acceptable by both the buyer and the sellers. It is more or less a savings plan from the willing buyer of a land to legal owner and willing seller of a landed property
A plot of land is between 450 to 460 sqm depending on the location, the cost and the generally accepted standard of sqm at a particular location. We are offering 450 sqm and 460 sqm which attract a little additional difference in cost.
The available window is within 6 to 12 months depending on the conditions of the seller of a particular land. Some available lands could have a window of either 6 - 12 months, less than 6 months or even more than 12 months based on terms and conditions applied to that particular land. We currently have a window of 6 months.
Yes. You can pay daily, weekly, bi-monthly or even monthly depending on your budget.
Yes. We have arrangement put in place for site inspection depending on the needs of the buyer who's initial depositing power can get up to 300 SQM and above, then site inspection can be scheduled on request.
Yes. If you have up to half a plot and above which has been allocated to you.